CCAMLRGIS Projection
  2. CCAMLRGIS::Coast
    Simplified and subsettable coastline
  3. CCAMLRGIS::Depth_cols
    Bathymetry colors
  4. CCAMLRGIS::Depth_cols2
    Bathymetry colors with Fishable Depth range
  5. CCAMLRGIS::Depth_cuts
    Bathymetry depth classes
  6. CCAMLRGIS::Depth_cuts2
    Bathymetry depth classes with Fishable Depth range
  7. CCAMLRGIS::GridData
    Example dataset for create_PolyGrids
  8. CCAMLRGIS::Labels
    Polygon labels
  9. CCAMLRGIS::LineData
    Example dataset for create_Lines
  10. CCAMLRGIS::PieData
    Example dataset for create_Pies
  11. CCAMLRGIS::PieData2
    Example dataset for create_Pies
  12. CCAMLRGIS::PointData
    Example dataset for create_Points
  13. CCAMLRGIS::PolyData
    Example dataset for create_Polys